Hannah's Fund
Counselling & pyschological support
Hannah's Fund was created in memory of writer and artist Hannah-Kate Lindfield. Hannah was born with Pfeiffer syndrome, which amongst many other things, affected her sight and hearing.
Sadly, Hannah passed away on 25 November 2014, but her family set up a Fund in her name to offer psychotherapy for people with facial differences caused by craniosynostosis and for their families.
Hannah felt very strongly that people (and young people in particular, like her) needed support to help with the challenges of looking different and how this impacted on their quality of life.
In 2024, the trustees of Hannah's Fund decided to dissolve the charity and to transfer the residual funds to Headlines, who now adminster the fund, building on Hannah's legacy and honoring her memory.

​Hannah’s Fund offers financial support to access to psychotherapy sessions to help deal with any psychological issues associated with living with a rare craniofacial condition.
Priority will be given to the 11 to 21 age group (as this was very important to Hannah), although the Fund will also provide support to siblings, parents and relatives of those affected by the condition.
The service is nationwide but will depend on the availability of a psychotherapist.
No financial assessment is required. The cost of the psychotherapy sessions is covered by Hannah’s Fund. We regret no other costs can be covered (e.g. travel).
The number of sessions will NOT be limited, however after 8 sessions a review will need to take place.
If for any reason we have more people seeking support than we can fund, the ordered criteria above will apply.
You can apply for support by emailing info@headlines.org.uk